Okay so as we all know, that in this day and age, the general population of Hollywood has been injecting their faces like manic drug users with this thing called, Botox. What is botox you may ask? Well according to the ever so informative website, Wikipedia, "Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, and is known to be extremely neurotoxic." Okay so in that sentence you might have noticed the words, "toxin" and "neurotoxic", which means that botox is harmful and poisonous to the nerves and nerve cells of your body and face. This process can destroy the nerve cells which can lead to numbness of the part of the body being injected. So, I still don't get why people would inject this botox poison into their face and lips just to look well, ridiculous really.
So I did a bit of research (although I didn't need to look too far and wide) and I found a couple of actresses sporting the famous "frozen look" caused by botox:
Nicole Kidman
Kylie Minogue

The Famous Cat Lady
I don't know about you guys, but their facial expressions don't look human-like-normal at all. Botox can lead to serious nerve damages and bad side effects. But for all I know, it'll be nasty. The Cat Lady sure looks happy. Or maybe not? I really can't tell, can you?
Botox is a personal choice, but if I were you, I wouldn't even think about it. And to those who have started injecting poison to who knows where, stop before you get hooked!