Friday, September 24, 2010

Hair, Hair and more Hair!

Who says blondes have more fun? Pfft! That is the biggest myth of all time. I don't have anything against blondes but I just think that dark hair is bootayful.
So I just wanna say that i love dark hair especially in men (: haha. For I, myself have black hair and I absolutely love it. Dark haired girls look exotic, mysterious (oooohh..) and just striking (wa-pow!).

To keep your luscious dark hair (or whatever hair color you have) soft and shiny, here are some tips from the one and only, Me. 

  • apparently using baby shampoo can make your hair softer and smell nice like a baby's it is also gentle so it'll keep your hair clean without the added chemicals.
  • washing your hair with bottled water can or would probably make a difference to your hair (you wouldn't know unless you try..right? then let me know if it works lol).
  • everytime i have a post regarding hair tips, I always, religiously include this tip: HEAT PROTECTOR. for your hair of course. 
  • and the second most important is to deep condition your hair at least once a week. this'll keep your hair nice and happy :)
  • i like to tie my hair up when i go to sleep, like i put it in a bun so at night, when i wiggle around my bed (asleep) my hair doesn't get all tangled up and it'll also reduce frizz the next morning.

If you take care of your hair and follow my tips..then you might just have the dream hair that you've always wanted..(no guarantees ladies, but i like to be positive).

oh yeah, here's a pic of me and my bestie Steph .. i put it here because, duh, we both have dark hair :) and i also love this picture.

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